Oil Rush is a real-time naval strategy game based on group control. It combines the strategic challenge of a classical RTS with the sheer fun of Tower Defence. Fight the naval war between furious armies across the boundless waters of the post-apocalyptic world. Pump the ever-so-precious black gold by oil rigs, capture platforms and destroy the enemy in the sea and in the air. Be ingenious to unlock super technologies and quick to send your squads straight into the heat of the battle!

T3RR0RH4WK says

9/10 - Agree Disagree

First, the gameplay: the tower defense / strategy combination is something that I find really awesome. The gameplay is also very smooth and engaging. I feel like I'm really in command of these units, so when one of them goes down, I swear retaliation and prepare more for my cause.

Next, the graphics: wow... just wow. I might be in the small percentile of people with "high-end" Linux PCs, but I can assure you that by seeing what this game looks like at maxed out settings it is worth it. My PC can handle it without breaking a sweat. The water, world, and environmental parts are rendered beautifully and fluidly, and everything is as smooth as butter.

I know the game is only in pre-release, and there are bugs -- such as not having audio on my system as of 0.95 and not being able to run it fullscreen on my Linux PC -- but they are easily overlooked and the game should come out more polished soon. Its release date is approaching, and this game is shaping up to be even more impressive!