This was the first playable Nyan Cat Game. This was even before "Lost in space" or "Fly".

Ckelldo says

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2/10 - Agree Disagree

Although it is good at being a Nyancat game, I can't justify playing this for more then 30 seconds. It is exactly what the name suggests, a Nyancat game. All you do is move up and down collecting points and try to get enough to make the timer continue without hitting a -20 star with the Nyancat song playing non-stop until you finish. That is literally all that the game has to offer, other then a few different characters, but who would want to play anyone other then the Nyancat himself or Tacnayn. It wasn't difficult, or challenging in any way. I am sorry but my review is 2/10 it is a bad game, a game that I would expect to be on minigames or addicting games not on your computer.