An innovative, original and entertaining experiment.

pockschan says

1/10 - Agree (11) Disagree (2)

Me and my associates have concluded that this game is horrible. It's not interesting on any level and it fails to deliver on the deep psychological experiment concept it tries to imply. The author would like you to believe that it has some sort of meaning, but it doesn't. It's just "retarded" and pointless. It's so bad you'll think its a joke.

The camera constantly clips through the walls. The video camera your character is holding, says record like it is on, but has a blank screen the entire time and the purpose is never explained. The humor equates to "lol drugs" and "ha ha you're a girl and can't play my game" are not funny. If you want to waste your time watching someone talk to them selves, don't play this game, take a trip to your local psych ward. That would be more fun and preferable than this game where you have to read a stupid conversation that consists of one guy talking to himself repeatedly.

The graphics look terribly dated, like the textures were stolen from PS1 games. (Actually, I have recently learned that they are infact taken from HL2 and the game rips off a popular mod called The Stanley Parable") When you turn a corner in a hallway, the camera clips through the wall showing other random polygons outside the room. This happens frequently. In fact, at one point while playing we fell into a random endless pit and the camera just continually kept clipping. This is what you can expect if you fail to complete any of the mini games, you just get stuck with no way to continue. Every time you enter a new room, there is no smooth transition the game just clips very quickly from one space to another, which is awkward. None of the 'enemies' do anything. Their purpose is to scare you, along with other Ms paint scribbles but really, the creator has no idea how to animate. The models kind of move, but it's one small motion repeatedly looped if that. Half of the scary objects in the game are not even 3D.