Hidden & Dangerous 2 is a first- and third-person tactical shooter that builds upon the original Hidden & Dangerous. You lead a small squad of Allied soldiers deep behind enemy lines to carry out secret missions during World War II. The story line takes you to Europe, Africa, Burma, and other locations scattered across the globe. Each critical decision impacts you, your men, and your country. This blend of action, strategy, and tactics forces you to use your brain just as much as your trigger finger. The game features a fully interactive environment and the ability to control up to a four-member team and commandeer a variety of vehicles, as you fight your way through more than 20 missions in nine campaigns from the lush jungles of Southeast Asia to the harsh deserts in Africa. You can even supply your squad with a number of weapons, including pistols, sniper rifles, grenades, and bazookas.

im_a_lazy_sod says

10/10 - Agree (2) Disagree

Probably the best tactical shooter I've played (though I usually played lone wolf in H&D2)

It lived up to the expectations set by it's predecessor and really brings you in to the gritty realities of war. The RPG elements make it interesting, though skills like lockpicking aren't great at all - as the skill is rarely used.

The ability to force an enemy soldier to surrender is a very nice addition to the game and the realistic nature of how you are detected is a nice touch.

The missions are very good and varied - though there are a few maps that are recycled for replay missions (day and night maps), but that's not too much of an issue as the way they play out are very different from the originals.

The graphics were slightly dated upon release, but the game engine was still quite demanding and tweaks over time (as well as texture packs) have helped rejuvenate the game to a newer look and feel

I've always got time for H&D2 re-install and play-through as the immersion it has with the sound, atmosphere and music is what keeps me coming back