Investigates the sudden death of your grandmother, will you be able to discover the dark secrets of the house you inherited ...? Use your reasoning, get tools and use them in your search for truth ...

IndieGameTheory says

7/10 - Agree Disagree

To me, this game is average. I love the effort put into it but I wouldn't give it more then what it deserves. If time allowed, I think you would have benefited from making the house bigger. Since the game takes place all in one location, I feel as though that would have been a good move. The puzzles were thought provoking but maybe a little too much? Again, maybe it is that you had to make the puzzles complex to make up for the ability to have more then a few. It was a nice little play-through but all around average. A 7 or 8 seems natural but I'm leaning towards the 7 for the reasons mentioned above.