There are dark places in the world inhabited by evil denizens. Places filled with danger and foreboding where no ordinary man would dare to journey. However, there are a few who are willing to risk death in the name of good, in the name of justice, in the name of.. valuable loot! Hack, Slash, Loot(HSL) is a single-player turn-based dungeon crawler for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Take control of a lone hero and explore sprawling dungeons, fight dangerous monsters, and most importantly, plunder valuable treasures. HSL features thousands of items, monsters, and dungeon features, and with a new dungeon created every game you can be sure that no two plays will ever be the same. Boasting easy to master controls you'll be adventuring in no time, but there is still enough depth to challenge the most hardened of adventurers.

akaito says

3/10 - Agree (6) Disagree

I love Rogue-likes, and was excited to see one with a nice graphical style. The simple interface also makes this game more approachable than most games in that genre.

However, what I enjoy about Rogue-likes is their complexity of interaction. This game is closer to the complete lack of complexity of "Gauntlet." Which is perfectly fine if that's what one enjoys.

"Hack, Slash, Loot" has the classic "NetHack" keys available for movement and attacking. But this just makes it feel like that much more of a betrayal of style, when you realize that some information can only be gained through use of the mouse.

Unlike the very well-matured "Nethack," "Hack, Slash, Loot" also feels entirely unbalanced. In my decent handful of attempts at enjoying the game, I was killed (seemingly without option of escape) within the first 10 monster encounters. Granted that Rogue-likes are supposed to be very difficult. However, while trying only to "grind" on the weakest of monsters, I was still slain quite quickly.