You're in the evil's mind. There's no escape. You're not sure what to do. You have to fight your fears, to your hell and to the evil itself. You're dead.

Azatoth027 says

1/10 - Agree (19) Disagree (1)

Having played Nameless' previous games, I can say he is at horror games what Michael Bay is at action movies: an unimaginative creator ripping off mainstream elements to attract people. Evil is an attempt at reproducing what's been already done rather than innovating. Indeed, all you have for a scary atmosphere is a "creepy" background music with screamers (how original). The result is a mix of Cry of Fear/Afraid of Monsters bad tripping moments. That alone sounds to be a bad idea but could just end up being a correct but not ground breaking game. However, since the author is strongly determined to make his games look like cheap interactive DVDs (understand by that "games with stuff to click on to trigger what's next"), everything's ruined and espcially the jump puzzles: how many games will he spawn before finally realizing we can click doors from the other end of rooms ? Seriously, does he tests his own games or does he make them for the sake of having created "games" ?