Immerse yourself in this addictive puzzler that's all about strategically twisting and connecting mismatched dials to save precious droplitz. Just making a single junction is child's play; can you master the art of the combo or will you let your pipes runneth over? Be warned: losing too many droplitz can be hazardous to your ability to win. With four unique play modes, a variety of board sizes, and infinite replayability, Droplitz promises to drain all your time away.

HooterBabby says

8/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Not sure why the average score is so low but this game is a lot of fun. I recently picked it up in the Indie Royale Mayhem Bundle and I've played it on STEAM quite a bit. It is similar to the classic Pipe Dream (and similar) games, but the twist is that the pieces are fixed and must be spun into place. There are multiple game modes and when things are going good and you have drop accounted for its a blast.