Are you ready for a new level in online card games? Draconian Wars is possibly the most strategic and challenging online card game out there. Engage in fierce combats, manage your limited resources and outmaneuver your opponent. The battlefield is the lands and skies of Hyperborea, an exotic continent rich in natural resources, with a wide variety of ecosystems and full of amazing and terrifying creatures. Key features: - No boosters! No free2play! Every card is available for you to play. - Two different factions: Draconian and Technocrat. Each faction has completely different strategies. - 120 Unique cards and more to come. - Online mode and two different single player modes: Skirmish and Challenge. - Fully customizable decks.

modus666 says

8/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

the game is well presented, and many of the concepts involved will feel familiar to those with any kind of background in collectible card games. at the time of this writing the multiplayer scene is nonexistent, which was a slight disappointment. the single player content allows you to accumulate more cards to flesh out a custom deck. i would like to see the ability to use preconstructed 'starter' decks claimed from opponents in single player mode to provide a different play expereince without having to slog through match after match to gather enough cards to complete a viable custom deck.

lookin forward to seeing people on multiplayer, and interested to see how expansions for the game turn out.