Defenders of the Last Colony is a 2D Shooter with Strategy gameplay mechanics, where you have to protect the Colony's core while you gather resources and build defenses. You play as one of the 2 classes: Fighter or Engineer. Fighters focus on gun power while Engineers can build more structures (like turrets, repair platforms...). The game is coop up to 4 players. Besides is strategy component DOTLC is a fast paced arcade with lots of content to unlock, like retro modes, challenges and awards. 4 pilots 2 ship classes 12 worlds to explore 3 retro modes 30 challenges 15 awards Cooperative gameplay Survival mode HD graphics STORY The Starians came from nowhere, decimating the colonies as they passed. Only one colony survived, carrying four prototype ships they are travelling to save what it's left of the other colonies, and taking as many Starians as they can on their way.

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