A toxic waste spill finds its way into the water supply causing the recently deceased rise from their graves. Now you have to shoot your way through the hordes of undead to reach your only hope for survival. On the way to your rescue you will have to search stores and houses for supplies, and trade with other survivors. With three game modes, hundreds of items, weapons and grenades, and a city that is never the same twice, there is always something new hiding round the corner in Dead Pixels.

ACWraith says

9/10 - Agree (1) Disagree (1)

Dead Pixels is a bidirectional shooter with resource gathering and upgrades which is short enough to take advantage of its procedural generation in successive replays. The limited aiming and ammunition makes positioning important as enemies will gather in hoards. Checkpoints are plentiful. Some might be tired of zombies and/or retro graphics, but it all mixes well with the game's grindhouse horror and references can be found everywhere. Overall, I've found Dead Pixels very satisfying. =)