Battle for survival and supremacy in the gritty post-apocalyptic world of vehicular combat where strategy and tactics determine winners and losers. Manage your gang, train your characters, design your own cars and scavenge for parts. Make your fortune in racing, deathracing and arena combat leagues, or venture into the wilderness and engage in tense multiplayer battles with pirates, traders and other players. Trade for parts, cars and weapons in the dynamic economy of a world where your characters will age, sustain permanent injuries, and die. The detailed weapon stats, and the detailed turn-based, physics-controlled vehicular combat system with critical hits, injuries and healing, psychology and leadership ensure a strategic challenge like few other games. Award winning in the indie gaming community, acclaimed in the main-stream computer gaming press and praised in the war-gaming media: Play it yourself to find out why.

GrowlingBadger says

9/10 - Agree Disagree

Considering you don't have to subscribe to play the game you could have loads of fun sitting on the edge, playing in town events - races, death races and combats. But you'll probably get drawn in to the rest of it!

All ways stuff going on and you can take the game play in any direction you want to.

It's a little buggy, some times having to restart, but the game play keeps you coming back.