If you ever played paper RPG Death Maze, Citadel of Blood or Labirynt Śmierci then you already know this game. DG is a tribute to this RPG (three names but game the same). In Dark Gates you lead your team of 6 heroes into dungeon where they will fight their way through in order to destroy Dark Gates and evil mage who is the master of the dungeon. Main feature of the game is dungeon itself. This is no predefined layout and every time you play, map is always different. Dungeon creates itself as you play. In your quest you will find monsters, magical items, trap, puzzles and treasures. Glory awaits one who destroys Dark Gates and evil mage. Game is in alpha stage, lot's of stuff missing or not working as intended.

Draugr says

7/10 - Agree Disagree

This is a great classic fantasy game reinvented on the computer by a great programmer. :)

As it stands now I give "Dark Gates" a 7 out of 10, but remember this is still in alpha and the author is working hard on the project. There are features that will eventually be added that will really make this game shine. I've spoken to the author on numerous occasions (Have I mentioned he is extremely friendly and responsive to questions and ideas one may send him via email? :) Anyhow... He has mentioned to me the plans he has and where the game will go as it nears its final release. If all that he mentioned or even some of it happens by the time this game goes final, I'll immediately change my ranking to a 9 or even 10 out of 10.

Once this game is closer to final, I'll submit a real review about the game, its features and playability. Reviewing it now would be incomplete because the game is not finished yet, even though it is very playable. Hell, I've been playing Dark Gates for quite some time and even though it is in an alpha state, it is quite fun and very playable.