3 races clash in this Real Time Strategy game set in the near future. Play as the newcomer Terrans, the insect-like Mantis and the mysterious Celereons. Build massive fleets and rage war across multiple star systems connected by wormholes.

Genjator says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

Conquest: Frontier Wars was one of the first really successful space-based RTS games. It used many of the current elements of RTS and introduced a few new ones, set with a strong story and good graphics for the time. Unfortunately, it was not widely recognized or received, despite receiving high scores from many who played it. It pre-dated the modern slew of 4x games, almost as a bridge between the RTS genre of the day and the emerging 4x genre. Well worth the play by any serious RTS player who enjoys a retro feel and enjoys playing with spaceships.