Blocks That Matter is a puzzle/platformer in which a tiny driller robot travels underground in order to save its creators, kidnapped by someone who wants to steal their work. You are this robot, the Tetrobot : you can drill blocks of matter one by one, collect them, and recycle them into new pieces of 4 blocks. You also have the possibility to destroy lines of 8+ blocks in a very «retro russian» game style. Sand, wood, stone, obsidian, iron, diamond : each matter has its specific behaviour you'll have to use wisely and take advantage of them. So get ready to use your brain and combine your platforming and puzzle-solving skills in this incredible mashup! Contains 100% natural Slime extract and a lot of love for videogames history.

Willegendaire13 says

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Une perle Indée. Un énorme mix entre deux jeux qui ne se ressemblent pas du tout : Tetris et Minecraft.
En effet, vous devrez résoudre des énigmes dans un décors en 2D reprenant les blocs de Minecraft et vous en servir pour créer des plateformes en forme de Tétriminos.
Le résultat est juste génial avec son Gameplay accrocheur, son design attachant et son histoire sympatique et très touchante, Block That Matter est un jeu qui ravira tout le monde !