One of the best World War II real-time strategies around, Blitzkrieg offers over 80 missions divided into three campaigns - western Allied, German and Soviet, and multiplayer LAN/Internet matches support. The game is fully historically accurate, and all of 250 objects and 40 infantry types actually existed during the War. The feeling of realism is supported by true WW2 video and great audio. Blitzkrieg is the fine art of strategy, but with much more finesse! Dissect your enemy with surgical precision, halt the enemy's advance with strategic tank and air assaults, and maintain your offensive momentum. You can prove your tactical skills by triumphing in various historical campaigns during World War II. Command more effectively over the course of the war. Progress through the game is rewarded through access to the latest warfare technology, so strategic guile is recommended. Accept the challenge and launch your assault, remembering that … Attack is the best form of defense!

.Eiko says

8/10 - Agree (5) Disagree

Blitzkrieg is an engaging RTT (Real-time Tactics) game released in 2003 by Nival Interactive , the gameplay and overall presentation of the game is very good, however it is quite notorious for the huge micromanagement the game requires the player to pay attention, unit preservation and careful planning is emphasized and careless mistakes will send you to the "load menu".

while playing for sometime Blitzkrieg can be a blast to play however in the long run you will get weary of the micromanagement and put you off.

Blitzkrieg is a great game as long as you are patient and willing to play slowly and calculating.