What if the things in the night didn't just go bump? BlindSide is a terrifying new audio-only adventure game set in a world you'll never see! BlindSide uses custom audio algorithms to turn any pair of stereo headphones into simulated surround sound. Using only your ears, you’ll to learn how to explore the darkness and make your way through the fully physical world surrounding you. But watch out! There are monsters roaming the dark, and you must find a way to stay alive while trying to unravel the mystery of why you can no longer see. With over 1000 sound effects and pieces of dialogue, challenging gameplay, and a new level of audio-based horror, BlindSide presents the opportunity for both sighted and visually impaired gamers to enjoy an identically nightmare-inducing gameplay experience. Winner of the 2013 Games for Change Festival's "Most Innovative" Award

UncommonStuff says

8/10 - Agree (5) Disagree

Spoiler Free

First things first...

A game without graphics! It's a difficult concept to sell without a playable demo. Hopefully the developers will rectify this shortly.

However, if you are like me, a game that relies solely on audio is intriguing. It's also very difficult to pull off. Thankfully there is a short tutorial that will guide you through the early stages.

You start in your apartment in an apparent power cut, but you soon realise that something a little more sinister is happening. As you begin to realise that you have gone blind, strange and disturbing noises break through the darkness.

I have to say that it was a little tricky at first, but it only goes to make the whole experience more authentic (how bruised would you be if you suddenly went blind?). Relying on sound alone to make your way through the world helps make this one of the most immersive game experiences. There is a UI on the screen which players may find helpful, sadly I found it distracting. It helped me to close my eyes and ignore everything apart from the sound. As soon as I did that I was making my way through in no time.

A few negatives

More than one voice over may be triggered at anyone time. This is really confusing.

The UI is a distraction. Maybe allow the player to turn it off completely.

The positives

Really well executed idea.
Great use of sound.
Very scary
and very VERY immersive!

8/10 - Great product for the price!