BioShock 2 is a first-person shooter video game developed by 2K Marin for the Xbox 360and PlayStation 3 video game consoles, and the Windows operating system. It is the sequel to the 2007 video game BioShock. The game was released worldwide on February 9, 2010.The game is set in the fictional

FlippedOutKyrii says

8/10 - Agree Disagree

While it's certainly not as good as it's mentor, BioShock 2 still delivers.

The atmosphere is still foreboding and dark and the story, once again, is thought provoking and eon's better then that of what you would find in other FPS's such as Call of Duty or third person shooters such as Gears of War.
The gameplay is still fun and using combo's on hordes of marauding enemies never get's old, it's just shorter and doesn't really feel any different then the first game, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but those looking for anything different may be let down, but those looking for the same will not be disappointed :)