Battlefield Heroes is a cartoon-style action video game developed by EA. It is played from context-specific third- and first-person shooter perspectives. The game places less emphasis on skill and strategy, and is less demanding on computer specifications than the previous games of the series to increase the audience base. In addition, a system is in place to match players of similar skill levels together for fair play.

ShouldBeNew says

2/10 - Agree Disagree

This is looking like TF2 but without classes and the weapons. It's familliar and it's cartoon-ish!
What's why i rate this a not so okay?
Well... first of all the gameplay is completely unbalanced and you need to buy weapons to win. Oh and it has the worst server system ever, the gameplay is too slow and the respawn is very slow too!
This is totally a copy of TF2 which i can not tell easily but the graphics and sounds are ok.

2/10 - Very Bad