"You are outgunned. You are massively outnumbered. You must win." These are your orders. AI War is a one-of-a-kind strategy game that plays like an RTS but feels like a 4X. With tower defense and grand strategy bits, too. You'll be wanting the demo to really know what we mean, there's nothing else on the market remotely like this (as many reviewers have glowingly pointed out).

pnptcn says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

The best strategy game I've ever played, with incredible support from a passionate group of devs.

I have over 300 hours in this game and it still provides me with fresh situations, scalable challenge and outright surprises. There is so much content in this game you will never see every permutation or synergy.

An amazing RTS with elements of 4X and Tower Defense games and the emergent qualities of the best roguelikes. As Dwarf Fortress is to sims, AI War is to RTS gaming.