★★★ WELCOME TO THE MYSTERIOUS WAYS OF 3VOLUTION - A PRIMORDIAL SOUP CHALLENGE! ★★★ So, you think life just accidentally began when organic molecules (after millions and millions of years of swimming in a puddle of primordial soup) organized one-too-many swimming championships? Think again! You’re invited to a challenge in the Primordial Soup with three little Helpers: Nunstuck, Git & Slotermeyer! ★ 3VOLUTION FEATURES: ☆ UNIQUE, SIMPLE & INTUITIVE GAMEPLAY CONCEPT ☆ ☆ PERFORM TRICKY MOVES TO SURVIVE ☆ ☆ FIGHT NASTY & INTELLIGENT CREATURES ☆ ☆ HUNT FOR GAZILLION OF POINTS & NEW 3VOLUTION RANKS ☆ ☆ CHALLENGE FRIENDS ON 3VOLUTION LEADERBOARDS & COLLECT ACHIEVEMENTS ☆ ☆ COLLECT GOODIES, USE INVENTORY & BOOST POINTS MULTIPLIER ☆ ☆ SURVIVE SPECIAL MODES ☆

Otnici says

10/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Didn't expect much to be honest, but got hooked right away. Excellent gameplay and graphics, I love the stage play, you actually have to think how to shoot one of them little bastards between the other two. People are crazy, though. First place on leaderboards - over 4000 billion of points.