Self-confessed gamers and nerds, ganging up together to create the games we like playing.

Add job Report 2D level designer for retro medieval game at Tama Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Level Designers located Anywhere.

Posted by Tama Games on

Hi there,

We are a group of three indie devs working full-time (one of us) and part time (the other two) on an upcoming 2D retro platformer with a realistic medieval setting. We have been working together for a while now and, despite being remote, have daily standups to check on progress on current tasks, blockers, etc.

We'd like to get assistance from an experienced designer for this game. We are looking for someone to design the layout of all levels - looking to get around 30 of them.

The levels will be single-screen, similar to the likes of Bubble Bobble, Super Crate Box and such.

Actual tile design (and decorations) is optional, the most important thing will be the layout. We could do this ourselves - we have done several levels in fact - but we'd like to get someone experienced who can create appealing ones that scale adequately within the game.

Some 2D level design experience required. Please send over a couple of samples, or be ok with providing a couple of sample maps for the game we are working on.

If interested drop me a PM here please.


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