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We've got some more Xonotic videos for you to check out! Including live footage from the semi-finals of the [BOT] Xonotic duel tournament ^_^

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It seems our community really caught the gameplay video bug! I'm happy to present you with more than 3 hours of action-packed Xonotic movies! WOW! Move your most comfy armchair in front of your PC, gather up some nachos, pop some corn, and have fun watching these videos!

Xonotic public Deathmatch for the masses

C.Brutail has recorded an intense battle of public deathmatch, recorded at Kababunka server. The server runs game version 0.5, however for the video recording the development version was used allowing you to see some of the new graphical features under development now.

1v1 commentaries by Antibody, kojn, and Mirio for the 1337

If you're into competitive gameplay, I have three new face to face commentaries from Antibody, kojn and Mirio to show you. The first one is a very thrilling pickup match featuring Mirio vs PCLizard on the reworked map "Downer" by Cortez. It's really exciting - a must see!

The second video is a practice match between PCLizard and fisume commentated by kojn and Mirio. In this video, the battle takes place on the Xonotic version of the classic Quake map Darkzone, and it was a practice match for their then upcoming tourney match. Watch how each player's strategy develops in this down-to-the-second thriller!

Lastly, here comes the big boom! The archived screencast of the semi finals of the [BOT] 1v1 Online Tournament in online, boasting a whopping 2 full hours of Xonotic action! In the beginning of the screencast you can listen to some pulsating Xonotic music Northern Lights composed by Sc0rp followed by Traveler and Quiet by blkrbt. From 10:53 you can watch kojn's fragmovie entitled Deathmatchers, and from roughly 22:08 the live commentary of the semi-finals with PCLizard vs fisume, and L0 vs. Mirio. You can find the video at morfar's account.

Have fun watching!

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