Post news Report RSS WTF are those big ugly ads?

Ok now I know what your all thinking. OMG huge ads.. thats bloody hideous. In a way it is I agree, however these ads don't popup, they don't flash up all over the screen, they don't even take up any more room than before, so lets calm down! Whats with the ads? Ok now it has always been

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Ok now I know what your all thinking. OMG huge ads.. thats bloody hideous. In a way it is I agree, however these ads don't popup, they don't flash up all over the screen, they don't even take up any more room than before, so lets calm down!

Whats with the ads?

Ok now it has always been the policy of the modDB to avoid ads whenever possible as this site is run not-for-profit. Unfortunatly we get tons of people complaining daily about this sites lack of a download server, blah blah blah. Now what these people don't realise is download servers don't come cheap, espically with the amount of traffic this site generates, therefore we decided to go with the lessor of two evils and trial big banners in the hope that it generates more revenue for this page.

Rest assured the mod database will never run those 'screen hijacking' flash ads, have popups, or force people to subscribe or pay for content. Hell we don't even ask for donations.. we just want to get a download server.. its essential for a site like this, and this is the only way we saw how...

Benefits / Future?

Well for one, we are hoping to have a download server in 1 ~ 2 months for all mod teams to tap into and use as they please. Secondly, this is only part one of a two part approach to raise a little money to get this download server up. The new header design will soon allow mod teams to customise it, like back in the ModDB v1 days! You see instead of asking for donations, what we will be doing soon, is allowing mod teams to customise the look of this page. It won't be a free feature unfortunatly (nor will it cost any more than $4.00 a month) but for one, it'll mean we don't need ad banners.. things liven up around here and if we can sign up just 30mods, we will be able to afford that download server. Plus in return for very little dosh the Mod teams will get promoted thousands of times monthly.

So sit tight, there are plenty more of changes in store.. and i promise all for the great good and improvement of this site. As always, if you don't like whats happening.. vent your frustration in the comments and let me know how you feel! - we listen, cos this site is made for the gamers / modders out there!

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 64)
duckedtapedemon - - 557 comments

ahhh, I don't mind to much.

Header looks a little odd now, but meh.

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Tarky - - 164 comments

Whatever is needed :)

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

cool, it doesn't look too shabby.. we'll wait and see what others say.. i'll take everything into account and if people hate them, i'll consider a new design or reverting to the original

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chis - - 1,510 comments

The placing is akward, but it really doesn't bother me enough to ever want it taken down, so noice :P

/me clicks

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quellmyapathy - - 167 comments

I can't see it in Firefox thanks to my Adblock Extension, but I went ahead and clicked it in IE. Good luck!

They don't bother me, either, since I can't see them on Firefox ;)

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Dragonlord - - 1,934 comments

no problem with the ads. they are nicely integrated into the layout of the page and thus are not a problem. i don't mind them at all so go on.

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duckedtapedemon - - 557 comments

I liked the old logo better though :/

but if the customization comes back, I can handle it since I doubt we'll see it much.

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

haha, yeah google ads have just become part of the background. Look these ads might rarely if ever be shown once custom banners come back in...

oh and i tried to keep the design exciting and good.. but i'm not that good so if anyone wants a shot at creating something fancy.. please give me a holla?

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DJ-Ready - - 456 comments

the ads arent that bad ... the only thing that really bugs me are the colors of those google ads >_>
it doesnt fit the site theme at all lol

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

color suggestions? :D thats easy to change

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DJ-Ready - - 456 comments

how about .. white grey-ish ... more like the site theme ^_^

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kooper - - 192 comments

I dont mind banner ads aslong as you dont put pop ups on, sure blockers usualy get them but they are still anoying when your popup blocker pops up to say it just blocked a popup.

anyways isnt there something more lucrative than google ads, being a web developer i have looked into this in the past and found google ads to be the worst, just saying tis all

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DJ-Ready - - 456 comments

hmm .. cant edit comments .. anyways
i suggest #eeeeee for the main body of the table and #d0d0d0 for the lower row with the "ads by ..." text ;)
same colors as the sites content box XD

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

google ads pay very little i find, plus the ads are just boring. I want to get cool looking game related ads up there, but don't know where to look...

I'll do a bit of research tonight

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HuntEr - - 227 comments

ill do some research now

will let u know on msn!

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-hp- - - 240 comments

i didn't notice those big ads until the news mentioned it lol. it doesn't bother me at all. I don't get part about spending $4.

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BattleLead - - 11 comments

moddb offers an amzing srvice to modders for free. DL servers will expand and enhance the moddb site.........put ads where ever you want...thanks for the great site.

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

everything will always be free and i doubt ads will ever get any larger than they are now..

this site is run as a hobby / passion by all the staff.. and hence we don't need to do all the other stuff the other sites do to stay afloat. unfortunatly to get things like a d/l server this is needed.. but like everyone has said.. its not too bad!

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TheDebonairNomad - - 2,714 comments

I noticed once and that was about it, I don't care cause it doesn't bother me plus the site is free so no reason to complain.

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Quackzilla - - 449 comments

No reason to complain, this is a free site and google ads are sexy.


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-hp- - - 240 comments

what does that part about paying $4 mean?

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

what does that part about paying $4 mean?

relax your not going to be paying for anything.. you'll see what it means in a few days!

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Quackzilla - - 449 comments

It's just for customised mod pages, think of it as a fund raiser sort of.

Bandwidth is expensive thes days.

But don't worry, the regular modDB profiles will remain free. That is the whole point of modding.

Btw, a grey color palette for the google ads would be better, because the blue is bad feng shui.

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Leonardo-DiVinci - - 378 comments

Xp SrvsPack 2 God how I love the popup blocker :p

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-hp- - - 240 comments

oh ok good, that clears things up thanks.

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INtense! Author
INtense! - - 4,100 comments

moddb doesn't run any popups though? so its not needed on this site!

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Obsydian - - 204 comments

Yeah scottie, I think the payoff of a download server is worth it.

although it doesn't matter to me, NIS takes care of ads and pop-ups, so I don't see anything.

No one else really seems to mind though.

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Schnarr - - 22 comments

I will click on the ads everyday for support :D. Just as long as they don't become too bad... eg GamersHell

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Tei - - 418 comments

I use Firefox.

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T-RonX - - 789 comments

Firefox add block extension rox :)

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mystery8 - - 286 comments

Looks fine to me. Google's text ads are far less obtrusive than Flash, Popup or Takeover ads, so I have no problem with them.

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Cj_the_Dj - - 225 comments

i don't see any ads O_o

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Shadowfox - - 60 comments

Hehe, go firefox!!!

Not ONE ad on this site, or any other site I visit

And if I do find an ad, I can just block all access from that particular area!

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drunkill - - 570 comments

did not notice


don't care, if it helps keep this site up, by all means, more.

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Crispy - - 602 comments

Well you're hosted by Oktagone, as is

When I registered for hosting with them I wanted to make sure I wouldn't have ads popping up all over the place, so I asked before agreeing to the T&Cs. We won't have any ads as long as we don't get a lot of traffic, which is why the Hostile Intent website has ads.

To get to the point: Why don't you ask where it gets its game ads from?

- Actually I just looked and now they have William Hill (betting company) ads up. The first time they had XBox game ads, which while not exactly suited to the average gamer hooked on the latest in PC Mods, at least has some relevance to the average gamer. William Hill though...

My view on ads is a bit more realistic. I understand that they can sometimes be a neccessity, but they are much better when incorporated into the site. If Google want to pay you less because they seem "less eye-catching" in grey and white, just explain that when incorporated into the site's general colour scheme, it gives the impression that the ads are meant to be there, and are even supported (perhaps promoted) by the site management.

Well, that's what I'd say...

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Crispy - - 602 comments

They're currently advertising popup killers. How ironic that they're advertising anti-adware!

Google ads aren't so bad though, as you can see from that example, it's simply scanned the page and come up with something relating to the topic.

I'm gonna load up some Mod pages and see what Ads I get ;)

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kooper - - 192 comments

check this out
im sure one of them may be of use to you
i have also been looking into site adverts for the X32 network but its taking me ages to find anything thats a. not anoying and b. worth the effort

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Crispy - - 602 comments

I just checked out some of the Google Ads that were running.

On my profile's page there were Case Modding and Overclocking links.

On almost all Mod pages I looked at there were Alien Versus Predator Ads.

On the Citadel Utopia page there was an ad for, the Dog Show Game...

I'm not a happy bunny, so I wrote a feedback report to GoogleAds asking them for something more appropriate.

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azzDB - - 1,077 comments

Good work :)

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Shrimp - - 35 comments

Cool, I don't mind :P

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KryptoN - - 3 comments

I don't care since I use adblocker.

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Handshakes - - 286 comments

Who needs a moddb download server? What, you cant use the 12 bazillion other download servers out there?

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Handshakes - - 286 comments

But thank god that they don't flash up all over the screen. Nothing more annoying then some sounds to some shatty movie coming over the speakers, blocking what you are actually listening to, and then some gigantic ugly flash helicopter engulfs you screen and no amount of clicking on the friggin microscopic "x" will put the damn thing away.

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Stuffie - - 701 comments

is allowing mod teams to customise the look of this page.

Cool a SDBC themed page ph34r tEh orange lol.

The logo up theres not bad atm, I might see what i can do to it..

I could put a small google ad in the modDB toolbar too like the ones u can get with adbar ..

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Stuffie - - 701 comments just a suggestion..

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KatPhish - - 39 comments

i don't mind at all. And its google, so like I might see something i didn't know i needed and click it!

From my experience google adds are more helpful than annoying. Many times I have seen a link in the ad that helped me out. And the links simply open a website, and Im pretty sure we can trust google when it comes to malicious sites and spam.

So go ahead and click the ads, they offer moddb about $0.07 a click just to have you visit a website! Thats great value.

So keep an eye on the google ads, you never know, they might offer something you have been looking for the whole time.

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Handshakes - - 286 comments

If we keep clicking the same ad over and over will moddb get seven cents over and over?

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Apostle - - 65 comments

I never know what the big deal is about ad's on sites, I think most people just ignore them as much as they can. Whoever invented the "screen-hijacking" flash ad's should burn in hell though!

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aea - - 249 comments

No Handshakes, you will get moddb banned from adsense.

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[SF]Damien - - 5 comments

i found google add to bring in quite a bit, unless people know of some other add system in which case i would be intrestead in swaping

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