It has been around for a few weeks now and you could of seen the add I put on the WIC home page...and in order to make all of the people know about it I am doing this news thing.
Posted by brody9311 on
It has been around for a few weeks now and you could of seen the add I put on the WIC home page...and in order to make all of the people know about it I am doing this news thing.
Posted by brody9311 on
If you have any ?'s let me know by sending me a Message.
finaly someone is making maps:/
cause there's too few maps for WIC:(
Ya thats what we are you a mapper because I could need someone to help us make maps.
well guys I'm new to this and I just uploaded my first map 'Island Incursion'. So tell me what you think please :)
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The head of the WICMMT,