Post news RSS World Generation Video

Hey! Here I am again showing off an early version of our World Generation system for Kung Fu Kingdom. Watch, and be amazed. AMMMMAAAAZEEED! Features some really innovative stuff we haven't seen before, but think you will really like.

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So, placeholder art as usual, but a cool video of our World Generation system for Kung Fu Kingdom that we are really excited to show of.

Put any questions you have in the comments, I'll do my best to answer them. If they are unanswerable, I may not answer. Or I will delete it and send Gorilla Assassins to take care of you, so that news of this slight upon our game design will NEVER REACH THE MASSES.

twincannon - - 38 comments

Nice, hex grid for the win. I like the idea of it having a sort of Sim City "region" flavor as well with neighboring tiles.

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GorillaOne Author
GorillaOne - - 61 comments

When we were trying to figure out how to have units interact with the players game map without doing some sort of ridiculous streaming open world way outside our budget, we thought of Sim City - that was the inspiration for the "off the map" type stuff.

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