You are about to download a true labor of love. Our team has poured countless hours of sweat into creating Wing Commander Saga, and we are all extremely pleased to share the first fruits of our labor with you. After all, without the support you have provided us, none of this would have been possible. For that, you have our deepest thanks.
Following in the footsteps of a game like Wing Commander 3 is an amazing challenge. We hope you will find a familar sense of space combat as you experience our vision of the Wing Commander universe and play your part in the incredible story that will unfold in the months and years to come.
The team is very proud of this game, and we look forward to hearing your reaction. And once again, on behalf of the entire team, let me thank you for standing by us. It means a lot.
Tolwyn & Starman
Producers Wing Commander Saga
Download here (Windows Installer, 282 MB)
For a complete readme (also included in the download) please take a look at this post in our forum.
this is great! its cool to play something like Wing Commander again. Thank you for the effort and see you in space!
Totally awesome! Great voice acting, nice graphics...i dunno what else to say, it's *so* nostalgic.... :)
Thanks from an old WC fan :)
Hey, I played the first two missions yesterday and I'm getting back on it today. I almost forgot about how things looked in the WC universe, but everything you built looks pretty fithful to what I remember. Some things (cockpits, space, planets) look a lot better than in the "Tiger's Claw" and this is something I cherish.
Who made the 3D-model of your ingame-avatar? These head-models are wonderful and make one tempted to find out how Freelancer2 Open works for FPS games, too.
The comm animations of the pilots (with helm) or from the original games, the other stuff was created by Tolwyn :)
Don't forget to try out the sim missions as well. They are on the single player tab in the tech room.
Yeah I prefer the sims missions.
Will be there a multiplayer for this ?
actually you just need to read the "readme" :)
You got a readme and a manual and what's in the manual is only fiction, so it shouldn't really be called that. More of a log or diary, isit?
I did however read both, manual and readme and have found all my questions solved.
This is the first mod in a long time which made a totally convincing first impression on me. You have really done good, now all that we need is the rest of those missions. I cannot wait for the full release including multiplayer. Congrats, you got me hooked! Please more of the good stuff, soon!
Greetings from planet Delta,
speaking of missions, you could try creating your own. It is fairly easy :)
And I hope you didn't miss our fiction viewer :)
The game doesn't appear to work on Windows Vista :(
There is no official release of Windows Vista yet and it was reported that Creatives OpenAL sound system is not fully compatible with Microsofts latest OS
Good Game.. I'm playing on a mac as its been ported. When does multiplayer come out?
Hard to say, the entire code is currently getting an overhaul. I will certainly take a while I'm afraid