Post news RSS Weekly Update #10

It's our tenth weekly update and I'm afraid we don't have so much for you this time. But we do have two screenshots... of curtains! Evil curtains at that. These curtains have also been added to the image gallery. The town description for Albassa has also been finished. As for the

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It's our tenth weekly update and I'm afraid we don't have so much for you this time. But we do have two screenshots... of curtains! Evil curtains at that. These curtains have also been added to the image gallery. The town description for Albassa has also been finished.

Order Curtains (1) Order Curtains (2)

As for the project itself, we've been having some, er... fun? Basically due to some merge issues we've been having (see my previous news post) we've had to rebuild the mod from the ground up, transferring all that's been worked on into a new file system. Thankfully a lot of this could be copy and pasted, but some of it can't, such as interiors and exteriors. The interiors are currently being reconstructed by Miche and Serpent of Shadow, while Septim741 is hard at work rebuilding the exterior of Winnowing Hall.

So yes, the project is currently recovering from a bit of a setback, but hopefully we should be back to where we had got to previous to the problem soon, and we shouldn't run into any new problems in future thanks to our new system.

TGDarkRx - - 5 comments

looks good

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