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I run into several problems with my progress on the UI.

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Hello everyone Azuna here(again), i have good news and bad news both from my part(User Interface).

The bad news are, that i forced to do a format on my pc and my backup didn't work (dunno why). So i lost pretty much everything of my work TT^TT

The good news are, that now i lost everything so i can make a "fresh" start. I'll start working on the project again in the next 2 days but i want your support : I want you to post either here or send me a pm your ideas about the UI.

Your support makes me happy and gives me strength to carry on.
I'm Azuna the User Interface Leader and Story Writer

I'm trying to finish my part so the game will be available as soon as possible. :D

Sorry for any possible grammar and spelling mistakes thats because my native language isn't english. :)

Mernom - - 718 comments

I'm currently playing sword art online:infinity moment,and it's really fun. Do you have an,idea for activating sword skills? IM uses the L bottom to open a list of selected sword skills,are you going to do something similar? I'm really looking toward this game,hope it'll be ready soon.

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Guest - - 706,662 comments

bro... where to download this game?? why i juz can get in forum n do ntg... I wan play SAO pls!!!!

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Azuna Author
Azuna - - 170 comments

It's not a PC game but a PSP one.


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blackdragonstory - - 1,796 comments

This is a sad story.
I heard quite a lot of people that experienced the same thing.
I suggest that in future you use usb stick or save your work online.
Those images you showed were really great.
Well,positive side is that you will probably make them faster than you could before :)
Good Luck :D

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CarterTheBeater - - 7 comments

I really love what you're doing and would love to help if I knew anything about modeling, scripting, etc. xD But anyways, I love the anime and have watched through it so many times and to see this has made me so incredibly happy. I know what its like to lose all of your progress on a project and don't let it get to you. Use it as motivation to work harder than ever on this! When this is finished, you'll be able to say that you and your team created the greatest game of all times and not to mention-everyone will be able to enjoy a real SAO. Keep up the awesome work and I'll be sure to check back often.
Also, at the moment, I'm kind of jobless -_- haha, but once I get back to work, I'd be glad to start making donations here and there towards finishing this project!

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Azazel108 - - 43 comments

what you were doing before Azuna was perfect. it looked like it was from the show. keep going it will be great trust me!

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Uoruta-fenikkuso - - 227 comments

You are doing an awesome job! I love Sao and have watched it like a hundred times! question if I may, do you need more data bases or are you covered as far as that goes? if not this is something I love and am somewhat proficiant at as long as I am using Access Database (which would be easy if any one could or would learn how to use it) =) any way keep up the good work and pm me if you need some databases done (provided for some peramators).

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YuukiAsuna1 - - 19 comments

Goodluck again!!! ^_^

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-Kaito- - - 1 comments

Hello I am very happy that you are making the game and spending all your time to make it for everyone to play but just a question estimated date when do you think the game might come out? you can tell me around the month or year Thanks. And a suggestion but maybe you could add the characters in the anime as a partner to follow you around and help you fight kinda like a party except with the computers.

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oOSoulweaverOo - - 24 comments

I could recommend buying a cheap hosting service and everyone can publish their work there so everyone can see it and also have a backup of it.

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Guest - - 706,662 comments

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Bleu213 - - 2 comments

Hello! I would like to suggest that instead of opening a new window in the game, do it like in SAO, where a menu just pops up in front of the player, but they could still move around and things just in case they're in a sticky situation.

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Sojinn - - 2 comments

That would indeed be a good idea, I cant count how many times I've nearly died in MMo's from having to open my menu in the middle of combat, definitely a plus to SAO UI

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Sojinn - - 2 comments

hai azuna how goes the work :) trust you haven't had anymore head on problems.

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SwordArtOnlineLover - - 2 comments

Where is this game activated? computer phone or psp

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sludgybeast - - 24 comments

Nothing is ever lost even after wiping, use recuva and you can get it all back.

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