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Cheesy, I know, but the Jedi and Sith both do it, and in order to advance in rank, you must either train or show a knowledge of the Gray Jedi, their views, and their moral code.

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"We are not evil."
"No, the Jensaarai are not, nor are they wholly good."

-The Jensaarai and Master Luke Skywalker

Training is crucial, whether you are Sith, Jedi, Fallen, or Gray. Therefore, I have decided to create a training program. A recruit will be assigned a master unless he specifically asks for one. Training is not necessary, but it is required if you want to move up in rank. I will admit, I got the idea of a great deal of this training from the Sith, who have a fully fleshed out training guide. However, there will be differences.

Part 1: History

"The so-called gray Jedi have been with us since the beginning. "
-Restelly Quist

While there is not much, the Gray Jedi do have some amount of history. It is the master's responsibility to research as much as the apprentice and be knowledgeable about the history of the Gray Jedi in order to evaluate the knowledge of their padawan. Tell your padawan of the history of the Gray Jedi and challenge them to find something relating to Gray Jedi history. This history question can be of a topic of our choosing as long as it relates to the Gray Jedi.

Part 2: Views

"Gray Jedi make compromises, cut corners, and hide their actions from scrutiny, all under the assumption that their experience makes them authorities on policy. They are mavericks who are difficult to control, but can be valued members of the Order after they have been persuaded to follow the established hierarchy "
-Restelly Quist

When a master gets an apprentice, it is the master's responsibility to teach their padawan about the views of the Gray Jedi. Explain what it means to be "gray" and what it entails to the apprentice. Explain to them the importance of anonymity and stealth, and teach them the importance of diffusing situations with words rather than actions. We may not be Jedi, but we do not want long term enemies. Also, teach your apprentice the codes of the Jedi and Sith, and explain what they mean. Ensure that your padawan understands the codes, as understanding others is the key to victory.

Part 3: The Force

"Ah, and it makes you think I may have the taint of the dark side in me, doesn't it? Ooh. Is that what you are wondering, huh?"
-Jolee Bindo

It is a master's job to school an apprentice in the dangers and weaknesses of both the dark and light sides of the force. A true Gray Jedi will be able to exloit the advantages of both sides of the force without falling to the disadvantages of another. A master should make sure that the apprentice does not focus too much time on one force power, or one method of combat, and the padawan should be able to know the drawbacks of the light and dark side and avoid them.

Part 3: The Lightsaber

"I wasn't always the wrinkled coot I am now, you know. I can still fight, too, so wipe off that smirk I see there."
-Jolee Bindo

The lightsaber is a tool for both Jedi and Sith alike. When teaching an apprentice about lightsaber combat, you must ensure that they know the basics of the seven forms of lightsaber combat, their advantages and disadvantages, and when to use them. Afterwards, school them in the construction of a lightsaber. Allow them to pick a color of their choosing. Allow them to choose how many they want to wield, what kind of saber they want, and how they want to construct it. If they can use telekinesis to levitate lightsabers in the air, allow them to craft multiple lightsabers to do so. If they want a lightwhip, guard shoto, doublesaber, or energy pike, do not forbid them from using them. A warrior does not have to have limitations for his weapon of choice. Allow them to customize it the way they see fit, and do not attempt to influence their decision in any way. They must learn to follow their own path and not be the lap dog of others.

Part 4: Scenarios

"We are Imperial Knights. We do our duty by the Emperor and by the Force—no matter the cost."
-Sigel Dare

This is where the apprentice will truly be tested. This is the final part of their training before facing the real world, and as such, they must be adequately prepared. Masters, by the time you get to this stage, you will know your apprentices. Give them scenarios that they will find difficult, and test their skills to the max. Challenge them to fight out of a situation the right way, or use the right force power for the right situation. If your padawan is a negotiator but not a fighter, put them in a position where they will have to fight. If your apprentice will carve a bloody swath through any opposition but refuses to negotiate, put them in a situation where bloodshed must be avoided. If your pupil hates his enemies immensely, put him in a situation where they must work together. Do not make the scenarios impossible to complete, but be sure that the challenges are difficult. Test your padawan to their limits, and stress them as much as you can. Make them choose between two things they love, make them at the mercy of their enemy, bring them as low as you can and see how high they will go. This is where your imagination comes into play, masters.

Part 5: Missions:

"Make your way to Onderon. I will meet you there in ten standard days. After I find Nadd's tomb on Dxun."
"How am I supposed to get there?"
"You are the chosen one, the anointed heir to the legacy of our order. You will find a way."
"And if I don't?"
"Then you will have proven yourself unworthy of being my successor, and I will seek out another apprentice."

-Darth Bane giving Zannah her first test

As a Gray Jedi, we are few, and making permanent enemies is not our way. Send you padawan on a mission. Set criteria that follow the views of the Gray Jedi, and challenge your padawan to a mission that will earn some prestige but will not cause massive collateral damage. This is where their imagination comes into play. Masters will evaluate their apprentices and, based on their performance, they will either become an official Gray Jedi or return to their training.


"If you seek to aid everyone that suffers in the galaxy, you will only weaken yourself … and weaken them. It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards… If you care for others, then dispense with pity and sacrifice and recognize the value in letting them fight their own battles."
-Darth Traya

Masters, you may have the title, but you are to not boss your apprentices around. Guide them, encourage them to be ingenious, for true skill is not in the apprentice that is the hand of his master. An apprentice should not mirror his master. Teach them to use their own minds. Teach them the ways of the Gray as instructed, but when it comes to lightsabers, scenarios, and missions, they must figure the solution out themselves. You are not to assist them, as it robs them of the knowledge that they might gain.

"As Imperial Knights, we obey the Emperor but only as long as he serves the light side of the Force."
-Ganner Krieg, Imperial Knight of the Fel Empire

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