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The Last Ark is a spiritual successor to Sierra's Alien Legacy, a 4X strategy game where you colonize a solar system and uncover the mysteries that are hidden on every planet and moon of this deadly frontier.

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Welcome to the bridge captain!


You have just awakened from cryogenic suspension after a long journey to the Olympus system. You are the captain of an interstellar Ark launched by the United Nations of Sol to save a precious drop of humanity from a terrible interstellar war that is ravaging our home solar system.

Behold the Olympus system;

solarscreen 1

Every planet, moon and asteroid of this solar system is at your disposal, to explore, exploit and expand to.

Here you see just some of the worlds you can explore and colonize in this game. You start with your Ark in orbit around the planet Gaea and a colony already constructed on the surface. Your hand-picked advisors will guide you through building up your colony and then expanding your empire.

Manage your resources carefully, don't overextend yourself or your colonies will fail and humanity will go extinct!

datapad status

Construct new colonies and build facilities to generate resources, house your colonists and perform research to keep the human race going.


Research cutting edge technologies and improve your colonies


Explore the various planets, moons and asteroids of the Olympus system and scour them for resources and clues to mysteries you don't even know exist yet!



I have always been a huge fan of the game Alien Legacy by Sierra. But over the years as gaming evolved small things started to annoy me. The lack of randomization that made replaying it a matter of having a list of sectors memorized. Being unable to filter your vehicles or colonies properly, making the late game rather tedious. Having such amazing advisors with personalities and voices, but not being able to choose which advisor you were assigned for each post and their personalities being utterly pointless and having no effect on the game.

So I set out to make a new game, a better game that would take the core principles of Alien Legacy, that what made it a great game, and to enhance it with 21st century gaming principles!

setup 2 1

For example, above you see the advisor selection screen. When you start a new game, first you enter your name and the name of your Ark. Then you can select an advisor for each of the four positions on your bridge; Science, Colonial, Fleet and the Ark AI.

For each station there are four candidates and each candidate has a unique global and local bonus. Global bonuses apply to everything everywhere of course, but local bonuses only apply to the colony the advisor is stationed at. In Alien Legacy you could also transport advisors to specific colonies, but this was only ever done for mission requirements and as their personalities it had no effect on the game other than to satisfy a mission objective.

In The Last Ark, an advisor grants a bonus to his or her colony so it becomes a tactical decision where you station them.

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Zandbergen - - 6 comments

thx! Good job. Keep up the good work!

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Zandbergen - - 6 comments

Leuk om iemand te zien die er energie in steekt. Ik overweeg een bordspel versie, want programmeren is niet mijn ding. Als je suggesties wil voor het spel, laat het me weten.

Het zwakke punt van A.L en deze fan productie is de extensieve micro-managament. Op zich is een beetje leren belanceren prima, maar er gaat iets te veel tijd in zitten naar mijn smaak.
Idee zou zijn om centra, kolonies op te zetten naar specialisme. Zie onder
City-Habitat - produceert life support en wetenschap
Mijn - produceer ore / energy
Industrie - produceert robots/vliegtuigen of exotica zoals raketten

Elk gebied onderhoud zichzelf maar heeft wel flinke bouwkosten aan ore, energie, mensen, life-support en robots en om je beschaving te handhaven heb je minimale nivo's nodig van energie en ore bijvoorbeeld.

Wat het verschil dan precies is ? Wel, je hele rijk valt dan onder een automatisch systeem zonder dat je met spullen moet gaan sjouwen. Je kan natuurlijk wel vol-automatische vrachtschepen bouwen als vereiste voor
de logistiek.
Hoe groter je beschaving, hoe meer vrachtschepen, ore en energy je moet hebben als productie. Als je daaronder zakt, kan je geen centra meer bijbouwen. Hoewel alles gewoon doorloopt, moet je allerlei vervelende penalties inbouwen, random events, als je de vereiste hoeveelheden gaat negeren, anders gaan spelers alle mijnen en vrachtschepen negeren als ze groot zijn

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