Future Combat Scenarios got an unexpected email this week from a television production company interested in partnering with us on an episode they are creating about the Korean DMZ (DeMilitarized Zone).
"We were very impressed by the quality of the models", stated the source (not mentioned for privacy reasons). "We would like to use them in our show as we recreate the events of the DMZ for the History Channel."
Although all the details have yet to be worked out, TeamFCS couldn't be happier about the interest. "We find it rewarding that, out of the blue, others are beginning to notice the quality of our work." said AXILLA, Team Leader. "One of our goals is authentic replication of real world environments. These may not be exact, or contain every detail of the city, but the main conceptual and architectural pieces will be there. If you have never visited Korea, or even if you have, you will get the feeling you really are there. It's an attempt to further immerse players in the experience of the game."
We will be updating everyone as events progress, but we just wanted to share the good news!
If you have yet to see what Future Combat Scenarios is all about, then take a look and see for yourself!!
Woah . How did they find out about mods and stuff . ?? TV and the amatuer game creators (us) should do this more often .. hmm...
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That was me above... I wasn't logged in :P
Hey congrats, and good luck with that.
I don't know how they found you guys, but that's ridiculously cool. Congratulations!
Timmay: what a sig! 10 lines!
congrats guys gl with that!:D you should tape the programs!:D
LOL yeah I am a busy man, to many projects. And there is about to be one more soon.