Today the Ukrainian game development company Starni Games has announced the release of a fully free (No catch, no in-app purchases) separate app called Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty Prologue 1939. Prologue will allow all wargame fans to enjoy the early stages of the upcoming Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty for free. Lead the scarce Finnish forces through the Winter War, Continuation War, and Lapland War. Save your country’s very existence from the Red Menace. Niet Molotoff!
The Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty Prologue 1939 will release on Steam in Q4 2021.
Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty full game will be released in Q1 2022, so it is not coming this winter holidays as the Starni Games have initially planned. They want more time to polish the game and do not want to rush the release, as Starni Games have barely made it in time with the Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom.
👉 Go to the free Strategic Mind: Spirit of Liberty Prologue 1939 app store page on Steam