Post news Report RSS Stock Plus Mod - #1 ModDB Article Post!

This is the first Stock Plus Mod official ModDB article, dedicated to begin showing you what I’ve been working on in this personal project that I’ve mentioned so little about! I won’t do much talking besides actually presenting the changes and features, as I’d like to publish regular articles, separated by map, gameplay and overall progress. I’m starting with Kashyyyk, the default map, but there’s a lot more to come, so stay tuned!

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Stock Plus Mod - #1 ModDB Article Post!

Stock Plus Mod - Artigo #1 para o ModDB!

DISCLAIMER: This is a mod created by a brazilian mega Battlefront II fan. Because of this, all the articles are going to have both english and portuguese translation!

AVISO: Este é um mod criado por um mega fã brasileiro de Battlefront II. Por causa disso, todos os artigos terão tanto traduções para o inglês quanto para o português! ~huehuebrbr


Hello, my fellow ModDB Battlefront players! How are you doing?

This is the first Stock Plus Mod official ModDB article, dedicated to begin showing you what I’ve been working on in this personal project that I’ve mentioned so little about!

I won’t do much talking besides actually presenting the changes and features, as I’d like to publish regular articles, separated by map, gameplay and overall progress.

I’m starting with Kashyyyk, the default map, but there’s a lot more to come, so stay tuned ;)

Stay scrolling to see my work!



Olá, meus caros jogadores de Battlefront do ModDB! Como vocês estão?

Este é o primeiro artigo oficial na ModDB do mod Stock Plus, dedicado a mostrar a vocês o que eu venho trabalhando neste meu projeto pessoal, o qual eu tenho falado tão pouco a respeito!

Não ficarei falando demais além de mostrar as mudanças e recursos, visto que eu quero publicar artigos regulares, separados por mapas, gameplay e progresso geral.

Estou começando com Kashyyyk, o mapa padrão, mas ainda tem muito por vir, então fiquem ligados ;)

Continuem descendo para ver meu trabalho!


Map Specific Changes

Mudanças específicas de mapa

Kashyyyk - Clone Wars


    • Aesthetic - Estética:
      • Changed the Republic side’s skins to use the 41st Elite Corps’ Kashyyyk camo skins, to resemble more closely the source material;
      • Mudei as skins da República para usar as armaduras camufladas do 41º Corpo de Elite, para parecer mais com o material original;

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      • Updated the minimap to reflect all changes.
      • Atualizei o minimapa para refletir todas as mudanças.

  • Rebalancing - Rebalanceamento:

    • Replaced some Command Posts and changed some buildings and objects positions to make the map’s area more usable;
    • Substituí algumas Command Posts e mudei algumas construções e objetos de lugar para tornar a área do mapa mais utilizável;

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      • The two platforms that are above the sea are now two separate Command Posts, with the one further away from the wookiee’s base having a gunship spawn point over an added platform;
      • As duas plataformas que ficam sobre o mar são agora duas Command Posts separadas, sendo que a que fica mais distante da base dos wookiees agora possui um ponto de spawn de uma gunship sobre uma plataforma adicionada;

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      • Replaced the vehicles spawn point to be close to the rocks that were the original Command Post;
      • Posicionei os pontos de spawn dos veículos para serem mais próximos das pedras que já eram o Command Post original;

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      • Resized the Command Posts’ capture regions so it is a little more balanced when soldiers try to capture them.
      • Ajustei o tamanho das regiões de captura das Command Posts para que seja um pouco mais balanceado quando soldados tentarem capturá-las.

    • Added gunships to each side, to enable troop transport and new spawn locations. Each team can have up to 3 gunships at a time, depending on which Command Posts are captured;
    • Adicionei gunships para cada lado, para permitir o transporte de tropas e oferecer novos locais de spawn. Cada time pode possuir até 3 gunships ao mesmo tempo, dependendo de quais Command Posts estão capturadas por eles;

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      • Added some flight paths so the AI can be a little less dumb when flying around with their gunships;
      • Adicionei algumas rotas de vôo para que a IA possa ser um pouco menos burra enquanto voa por aí com suas gunships;

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      • AI won’t land anywhere to deploy their troops as the game doesn’t “like” how this solution came to be.
      • A IA não aterrissará em lugar algum para soltar suas tropas, pois o jogo não “gosta” muito de como essa solução funcionaria.

    • CIS have a MTT (Multi Troop Transport) that works as a mobile spawn place, similar to the Geonosis’ AT-TE;
    • CIS possuem um MTT (Transporte de Multiplas Tropas) que funciona como um ponto de spawn móvel, semelhante ao AT-TE de Geonosis;

    • Added a Jedi side, to include Jedi Generals Quinlan Vos and Luminara Unduli, that fight alongside the Republic;
    • Adicionei um time Jedi, para incluir os generais Jedi Quinlan Vos e Luminara Unduli, que lutam ao lado da República;

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    • Added Chewbacca to the Wookiees side, to make it more like the source material;
    • Adicionei Chewbacca ao time dos Wookiees, para deixar mais parecido ao material original;

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      • The Jedi and Wookiees side Spawn in the same spots as the Republic. Normally, the locals in Battlefront II have their own spawn paths, even when they share the Command Post with the main team. I think this is pointless, so I made the locals spawn in the same spot as the user team.
      • Os times dos Jedi e dos Wookiees nascem nos mesmos pontos de spawn que a Republic. Normalmente, os times locais no Battlefront II possuem seus próprios caminhos de spawn, até mesmo quando compartilham suas Command Posts com o time principal. Eu acho isso desnecessário, por isso fiz com que os locais nasçam no mesmo local que o time do usuário.

    • Added some bridges and platforms to make the map less linear and enable soldiers to move more freely around the map;
    • Adicionei algumas pontes e plataformas para tornar o mapa menos linear e permitir aos soldados um movimento mais livre pelo mapa;

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      • This makes it possible for someone to climb over the wall and attack that Oil Refinery Command Post without having to go through the impossible task of charging through the front opening on the wooden gate, presenting more strategic options for players.
      • Isso faz com que seja possível que alguém suba na muralha e ataque aquela Command Post da Refinaria sem precisar lidar com a tarefa impossível de marchar através da abertura frontal do portão de madeira, oferecendo mais opções estratégicas para os jogadores.

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      • Added new AI-Planning and Barriers to enable the AI to use those new paths and bridges.
      • Adicionei novas barreiras lógicas de caminhos para a IA utilizar esses novos caminhos e pontes.

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        • This isn’t perfect, and some AI will get stuck in some places, in situations that I, honestly, lost too much time trying to figure out;
        • Isso não é perfeito, e a IA vai ficar presa em alguns lugares, em situações que eu, honestamente, perdi tempo demais tentando solucionar;

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        • AI will also not choose some paths as they are simply to dumb to follow some BASIC PATHS.
        • IA também irá não escolher alguns caminhos, porque eles são simplesmente burros demais para seguir alguns caminhos BÁSICOS.

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          • (Yes, this AI REALLY pisses me off) :)
          • (Sim, essa IA REALMENTE me irrita) :)
Post comment Comments
Jedi_Jack - - 245 comments

Interesting read, sounds like you’ve got a good plan. I was never particularly fond of the stock BF2 kashyyyk (the bf1 versions were better) and this sounds like it’ll be a good improvement. Couple of questions/points:
It does sound like there’s a lot of changes here, almost to the point where it’s a full mod map rather than an improved stock level. How does it feel when you play it?
Are you planning on releasing levels individually or as a group project? It’s up to you of course, but my advice at first would be to release individually, that way you can get feedback and improve as you go, as well as getting motivation from the downloads and comments.
Will your files be replacing the stock files or will they go in the addon folder?
Keep up the great work!

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jp_tanasovici Author
jp_tanasovici - - 34 comments

Hey! Thank you very much for your comment. You have no idea how much it means to me :)

I actually never got to play BF1, and been playing BF2 for probably around 15 years, all the way back on the PS2 days. By the time I got to modifying it on the PC, I was already tired of how much lacked in this game, and having played many mods, I’ve been able to witness the great potential it has.

I always loved the idea of respecting the game’s original concept while enhancing it to maximize it’s possibilities, so, the maps will all be modified in their own ways, and released together with my enhanced sides and game modes. Stock Plus is simply my vision of what Battlefront II could be, combining the lore available at the time of it’s release and the more modern Star Wars stuff.

I love your advice, and it’s actually something I’ve thought about, hence why I’ve decided to release various articles from time to time, to keep the people posted about it, while sharing my experiences with modding this protagonist of my childhood.

I still haven’t decided on how to do some releases for the public, as this mod has such a “project car” vibe to it, you know? Hahahahaha

From the beginning, I’ve always wanted this to be entirely an addon, so players can simply remove the folder from their game if they want to play another mod. It even allows you to have it installed and still play vanilla without changing anything at all.

Again, thank you for your comment. I will definitely keep up my work, always making sure to have fun at the process!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Jedi_Jack - - 245 comments

Perfect, sounds like you’ve got a strong vision in this! Looking forward to seeing where you go with the other maps!

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jp_tanasovici Author
jp_tanasovici - - 34 comments

Sure! Please, stick around! I would love to have you around :D

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments

Oh my God, this sounds awesome! I have so so many questions... I'll ask them and I'll hope you don't find them annoying...

Will this mod be more Canon-compatible or Legends-compatible?
Will you change the gameplay? Like add abilities... Like BFX... Melee for troopers and charge up abilities for heroes... Or like Power Mod... Simultaneous choke, retribution and stuff like that...
Is there a chance I can talk to you on Discord?
Will you change Vader's appearance from RotS to ESB or RotJ? Those are my favorite looks and the number of mods that actually use them can be counted on one hand...

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jp_tanasovici Author
jp_tanasovici - - 34 comments

Thank you very much for the comment!

I intend on trying to make it as canon-friendly as possible, but I don’t mind throwing in some legends stuff for game design purposes.

There are already some melee units I’m working on, and I intend to make all units be playable, while retaining uniqueness in each of them. Something resembling DICE’s Battlefront 2 and Battlefield classes.

I haven’t gotten into graphics stuff yet, and my focus is more focused on content. So, if I can implement characters with different appearances, it should be based on the period that battle is happening, só it makes with the source material.

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BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments

I would also like to say that just by reading this first article, I can't begin to say how hyped I am for your mod! I wish nothing but the very best for you and I hope that your project will be released perfectly! Also, I wish you to have the utmost amount of inspiration and energy.

Ps- I just watched your videos showcasing somethings from your mod (I presume) and I must say that my hype for this mod has increased 100 folds!

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jp_tanasovici Author
jp_tanasovici - - 34 comments

Thank you very much! I wish you everything in return!

And yes, the videos are actually showcasing my mod, and many of the things I consider unique and cool about it (I really like how the Kanan Jarrus unit is turning out).

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BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments

Dude, I'm actually taking the responsibility of writing the novelization of SW Rebels plus some extra adventures! If you have any Rebels content, I'll be there for it.

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jp_tanasovici Author
jp_tanasovici - - 34 comments

That’s pretty cool! I do intend on including Rebels content, as much as it is possible.

I appreciate the help tho!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
BABIN-IIV - - 34 comments

Will there be charge up abilities? Like can you tell me what's Vader and a regular stormtrooper's abilities?

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jp_tanasovici Author
jp_tanasovici - - 34 comments

Yes, I have some abilities planned. Nothing too different from what was already in the game. Just some adjustments that I considered were necessary.

I will be posting regularly, so I will address this kind of stuff in the future!

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Poxa, finalmente um modder brasileiro!! Eu achava que eu era o único BR a criar mods de Battlefront 2, mas agora fico feliz em saber que mais conterrâneos compartilham do mesmo hobby hahahahaha
Grande abraço (de São Paulo - SP), meu caro!

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jp_tanasovici Author
jp_tanasovici - - 34 comments

Opa, aí sim!! Nós BRs nunca estamos sozinhos! É só procurar que a gente se encontra em qualquer lugar! xD

Me manda os seus mods também, poxa! Vou curtir dar uma olhada!

Outro abraço paulista pra você :D

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Blue1_ - - 35 comments

Man seeing ARC Troopers from The Clone Wars Adventures game is so cool.

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jp_tanasovici Author
jp_tanasovici - - 34 comments

xD I'm glad you liked it, because it was the only model I could find for a good "Phase II" ARC Trooper. The one shipped in the game is Phase I, and I've spent quite some time looking for a good Phase II ARC Trooper model. Turns out this one was already inside my Downloaded assets folder

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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