Post news Report RSS Starsiege:2845 - Fireborn division armor pics released

Clancore Design Group has posted a new public update for Starsiege:2845, their upcoming total conversion MOD for Tribes: Vengeance. This update contains 2 images of the Imperial "Fireborn" divsion infantry armor. Click either of the pics below to go to the thread in our forums and see the

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Clancore Design Group has posted a new public update for Starsiege:2845, their upcoming total conversion MOD for Tribes: Vengeance.

This update contains 2 images of the Imperial "Fireborn" divsion infantry armor. Click either of the pics below to go to the thread in our forums and see the larger versions, as well as read the history of the unit.

User Posted Image User Posted Image

Also, be on the lookout for write ups on the project in this months edition of Game Informer magazine, and a full page review in an upcoming edition of PC Gamer UK.

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SkitZaY - - 461 comments

Looking nice, keep it up :thumbup:

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