A Wonderful and talented individual, Mario Neophytou, A.K.A StargateUnity, has created an awesome Stargate Fan collage.
You can see it here: Twitpic.com
This is a collage of Stargate fans from across the globe 'and i have to say is put together VERY NICELY... also because im on the outer rim :P (see if you can find me :P)
If anyone finds anything like this out there please share by posting it to the group whether it be just a link to it or post the actual picture/video/file etc.
I would have posted the actual picture but its 9.34 MB... so it was too big and may take a while to load for the slower internet.
Thanks for posting this :P
Also I put waldo (from where's waldo) in there somewhere... Have Fun ;-)
really?... awesome... looks like i got some finding to do :D