Post news RSS SquadEngine

Modders, take heed! SquadEngine, a revolutionary asset for modders, is now offering a free one month trial so you can check out all its cool features! If you don't want to spend much time on your site (but still want it to look really good), but rather focus on the actual modding, SquadEngine is for

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Modders, take heed!
SquadEngine, a revolutionary asset for modders, is now offering a free one month trial so you can check out all its cool features! If you don't want to spend much time on your site (but still want it to look really good), but rather focus on the actual modding, SquadEngine is for you! Although the interface is customizable and very sleek, your site can be up literally in minutes without any knowledge of html or php. You get an enourmous amount of bandwidth and storage, as well as a gallery and Invision forums. Best of all, there are no ads!

The real selling points of SquadEngine are its ease of use, how nice its layout looks, and the friendly crew that'll help you on your feet whenever you have any issue. Also, a subdomain is much better than many more generic alternatives.

The greatest news of all? You can probably strike a deal with the fellows there to cut the costs, or possibly even eliminate them.

The only problem that I've found are occasional issues logging into my FTP, but their working on that.

No, I was not payed to tell you guys this. I don't work for SquadEngine either. I just want to let the busy modder know about a nice, often overlooked host in town.


Duckeh[BGM] - - 5 comments

in fact I bet it is, with a few things changed.....

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