This is the Silent Carthografer map V2
This mod contains:
2 Pelicants (drive able)
2 Rocket Hogs (that fire Banshees)
Banshees X10 in speed
rifle and machine guns fire fuel rod
pistol has a 2x zoom and fires rockets
Plasma Nades and Nukes and they are 5x more powerful that regular Nukes
Use the banshee and fly twice to the sky until you carsh you will be able to walk in mid air. to get down press space.
To Install:
1. Extract Bloogglutch from zipped file
2. make a copy or the original Bloogglucth map from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Trial\maps and replace the original map with this one.
Map Area:
This map has an area of 12 Kilomiters squared (It included the sea area alwell)
Contact Info:
if any problems are presents please contact me at or if you have any questions.
Color will be added when playing the pictures differ from regular game play.
This mod is avelable at: