Ships Of Excalibur: Drydocks!
We have seen many instances of drydocks in the Star Trek universe and rest assured they are making a notable apperance in Star Trek Excalibur. Their strategic value is immense as they are the key to keeping your ship in top notch form.
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Sadly these pics dont do anything to convince me that this game is well on it's way of being playable, just more pics it doesn't show anything different.
Helmsman, thrusters only. Take us out. *Dramatic music starts playing*
Looks good full speed ahead captain
When can we get pics of a battle in progress? All the pics are super boring nothing is happening just implying something might be happening.
Show us phasers burning the hull of a romulan or klingon ship, shields flairing debree all over something these pics have been so dull and unimaginative.
Looks great. Except for a Galor in a fed drydock. Just out of place.)
"Their strategic value is immense as they are the key to keeping your ship in top notch form."
Would it also be possible to see other ships randomly undergoing repairs or construction?
Indeed, that is how you keep the fleet up and going :)
Meh just more pics nothing we haven't seen before. Models look nice but since we wont be able to actually pilot them for another 5 years dont see the point in getting excited.
dude...whats your problem? Everybody knows your position in this issue. You had mention it many, many, many times.
I agree with you, that it seems, that there is still nothing besides of graphical gimmickries.
But I dont see the point in allways comment these things in a very negative way. Whats your motivation in letting the world know about your concerns, over and over again? If you believe, that this project will never come true (and i am also very concerned about this), why you just stop tracking it and leave these people here alone? Nobody owes you about anything here.
You should be saying the same thing then instead of trying to play nice, too many big promised projects end up dead in the water never really progressing never likely to be playable due to outrageous goals.
I understand what you are saying and appreciate it but I want this project to work to become a reality not just something posted on twitter or facebook but for fans to see just how far this game has progressed to get the chance to see it in action not just more pretty pictures.
I'm sorry my view offends you the way I come off is blunt I apologize but I want them to say yes this is gonna happen it's gonna be pretty damn close to what we originally promised it would be that they take it seriously.
Just seems like they like the positive attention this project has given them for many many years even though they haven't done any new vids showing that this thing is getting closer and closer to fruition.
People think I'm merely trolling for kicks but I am more bitter that this game isn't going anywhere for so long when I WANT this to be true it just seems like it is in fact too good to be true and I imagine a lot of people are disappointed as I am just not as vocal about it.
More people should speak out and say hey man thanks for coming up with this and doing something but I think it's about time you guys come clean and tell us if this is happening within the next few years if not then dont expect any support.
Whats the point in responding to my comment if you are not willing to discuss it a bit more? Making one post and then never returning isn't going to sway my opinion.
I'm willing to be swayed that this game will come out and will be awesome but the lack of any pics showing major hurdles being completed or even better a video showing off a brief battle showing off the weapons, shield effects and battle damage, or showing you exploring your ship would go a very long way in changing my tune.
10 years and like one video showing like one video of ships is rather concerning. It really wouldn't take that long to do.