Post news RSS Seamless travel from Earth to Mars

Finally I’ve released a new video that shows all the features I have worked on during the last 10 months. I improved the graphics and the procedural terrain, added clouds shadow, fog, haze, wind, turbulence, reflective materials, new buildings, new ships and cockpits, added UI and configuration screens and many other features. Now I think that the graphics level is good enough for an Indie project and can continue working on assets and gameplay.

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Hi Everybody!

Finally I’ve released a new video that shows all the features I have worked on during the last 10 months. I know, I am in late with the schedule… but I'm glad to have completed such a large number of points: I improved the graphics and the procedural terrain, added clouds shadow, fog, haze, wind, turbulence, reflective materials, new buildings, new ships and cockpits, added UI and configuration screens and many many other features and bugs fixing.

Now I think that the graphics level is good for an Indie project and will continue working on assets and gameplay. I am not yet at the photorealistic levels of the last generation games, I know. Improving graphics at such levels is not possible at the moment. In fact I am not using any 3dh party engine for NovaVoyager but a custom made one that allows seamless space travels and real scale celestial objects. I promise in the future to work again on graphical improvements trying to reach better levels! ;)

The next step is to be able to finish the Windows porting and adding the other assets (ships, cockpits, orbiting stations, buildings and runways).

For the assets (models and music) I am mostly using licenced royalty free resources from some talented artists. BTW some work is needed for the 3d models making some additions and changes (for example adding landing gears, jet engines, lights etc.). The only things completely custom are the runways. I am also going to evaluate to pay some guys for helping me with this phase. If you have good ability with 2d or low poly 3d (blender) let me know.

I have also created a new format for the models that I called dvm, in both ASCII and binary that greatly simplifies importing.

To make future modders happy I will release format specifications as well as the script for use it in blender. I'm setting the game to be easily and completely moddable! ;)

Thank you all! I go back to work!! :)


Dev Video #8 - From Earth to Mars - Indie DB

Sensi7 - - 24 comments

Really good job guys !

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Damlock Author
Damlock - - 95 comments

Thanks! :)

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awesomenessish - - 49 comments

Wow, this is outstanding work guys.

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Damlock Author
Damlock - - 95 comments

Thank you :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Vladiskov - - 384 comments

You know gfraphics arent esential (because lets face it, you woulndt want to make assets for procedural generating cities, towns and facilities on a planet, it would take way too much time :/ but without them the photorealism would look dull and pointless XD

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Damlock Author
Damlock - - 95 comments

For procedural cities I am using r.f. assets (buildings ecc...) randomly displaced. In the next future I will improve the way they are displaced and will add other elements to increase realism. :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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