There are just a few hours left of 2013 and I wanted to take a few moments to reflect on the year and give you all an update on our progress with Quick Battle.
Firstly I'd like to apologise that we aren't going to be able to deliver a playable version of the game this year as planned. We hate to disappoint but we just haven't been able to implement the minimum feature set that is necessary to make the game properly playable in time.
So where are we up to, what is our plan of attack, and when can you expect to get your hands on QB?
During the summer we held an Excalibur Conference and it gave us an excellent opportunity to decide what are the “must haves” for Quick Battle. For the last half of 2013 the team has been totally focused on the tasks on this list in the hope that we can release Quick Battle as soon as possible.
We wanted a way to share this list so that instead of giving a “best guess” release date you can actually see our progress for yourselves and maybe offer a hand with what’s left to do. To that end we have developed a Quick Battle progress mini-site which reads directly from our developer forums and shows you our progress towards each task and to Quick Battle as a whole.
Our hope is that as we move into 2014 you will all stay tuned and watch as Quick Battle gets closer and closer to completion. Don’t forget to keep an eye on Twitter, YouTube, IndieDB and Facebook too as the publicity team will be posting updates to show you the work we are doing.
We wish you all a happy 2014 and thank you for your on-going support of the project. We couldn’t do it without you!
Awesome! Cannot Wait!
Great, and nice quick battle, ill defiantly be watching it closely. Sorry about it not being playable during 2014 :(. Btw have you guys done a kickstarter?
They legally cannot do a kickstarter. Due to the fact that Star Trek is the property of CBS.
Ah ok, i didn't know that, thanks :)
Seriously. Don't sweat over getting a playable release out.
I would rather wait 2-3 years more, so that when we do get a playable release it lives up to our expectations. The more time you folks spend on it, the more polished and detailed and immersive the end product will be.