Hey guys, we've been quiet for some time now, we've rencently gained two very talented team members, Sean-D-O-N and SinSlave. They'll both be working on concept art, they've already proved themselves by making these wonderfully detailed concepts. Currently finshed ones are, the Alien Creature ("Chamleon"), Michael Walker, and a concept of the outside of the cave, named "Gold Nugget". Enjoy!
Expect more out of us soon. You can find larger version of these pictures on our site, we can also find a few diffrent versions of the concepts.
Thanks for reading!
-The Project AGMR Development Team.
Very nice concepts, verry impressive detail, specially in the cave
Very nice and detailed, good luck!
Just to let you know, the chameleon and the gold nugget links are mixed up.
They are? Hmm...well it's fine with mine, odd. Thanks for the feedback though, nice to hear some. :)
Nice concept art there, guys. Very crisp detail, and good form and lighting.
like the enviroment :D
Yeah, Sean and SinSlave rock. :D
By the way, the links for larger images aren't working at the moment, the server went down. :\