It just so happens that every game I see lately has some sort of random or procedurally generated aspects to it including the main world. In my opinion, this does allow for a different gameplay experience every time, however, It takes a lot away from the game.
Creation Zero will have many aspects that are procedurally generated, however, the main preset world itself will not be. I have valid reasons for avoiding this and I'll explain why.
If everything is more random than planned, it truly takes away from that hand crafted feel that games such as Zelda or Chrono Trigger from the past use to have. Sharing adventures with your friends, and reading about another persons experience in a temple you remember was all of the glory of the game way back when.
Another reason for the main world not being procedurally generated? I wanted to make the player feel as if they were on an important journey that really wrapped them up in the story and made them feel like this world was real.
I want players to feel like they can have a true adventure that isn't just random garbage shot out to keep them occupied. Players need to truly feel involved.
I have considered a sandbox mode that would allow for procedurally generated worlds, however, I can't say for sure if this will make the cut during the final release.
I hope many of you agree with my reasons for ditching procedurally generated everything, and understand that NPC's and many other aspects of the game will be generated. I just really want to avoid a random thrown together world. Honestly, that just feels lazy.
Enjoy this dual wielding screenshot and perhaps get a hint of what I'll be posting news about next!
I agree, randomly generated worlds are nice, but nothing beats a well designed and handcrafted world.