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Man has not capabilities to ratify the ideas we conjure up from the deep. If what lays beyond the void is to be trusted, then the tentacles of mighty Cthulhu curl and slither along the brains of my mind unraveling the mysteries of pleasing a modding community.

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So far it seems like the community is interested in Cult of Cthulhu: The Great Awakening! which i am really excited about because the kind of ideas that i have aren't so out there as to be hard or impossible, but are very cool and seem to be emotionally engaging. HOWEVER this mod is slightly on pause for now as im currently working on trying to hit deadlines for my other mod Crypt. which hopefully will be coming out this year or early next year. ALSO A HORROR MOD! Dont think i have forgotten about this though, as soon as Crypt is nearing completion i plan on working on this mod again. And im very excited for it just as i am for Crypt. So track that my Cthulhu fans! and remember that while the forces of the shade try and stop this mod they wont, even if its just on pause.

Until next time... Ia Dagon, Ia Hydra, Ia... Cthulhu...

Armageddon104 - - 3,126 comments

I didn't know you were also making Crypt, they both look great and I am really interesting in Cthulhu mythology. Can't wait!

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HmTervapuro - - 532 comments

the link is broken

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