The trick is to use VScripts with mapspawn.nut as an entry point, this allows for cool entity manipulations and use whatever is exposed to VScripts to your advantage.
Rockets are prop_dynamics moving forward and raycasting to see if there's an obstacle, then spawn an env_explosion basically.
Detecting if a player fired is done by viewmodel attachments as we can't dispatch spawn entities correctly like logic_eventlistener, the weapon itself fires a bullet with a range of 0
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Wow I didn't even think it was possible to make explosive launching weapons for CSGO. 😹
Looks pretty good as always!
The trick is to use VScripts with mapspawn.nut as an entry point, this allows for cool entity manipulations and use whatever is exposed to VScripts to your advantage.
Rockets are prop_dynamics moving forward and raycasting to see if there's an obstacle, then spawn an env_explosion basically.
Detecting if a player fired is done by viewmodel attachments as we can't dispatch spawn entities correctly like logic_eventlistener, the weapon itself fires a bullet with a range of 0