Post news Report RSS Night of the Evil Gas Men

Night of the Evil Gas Men, the official spinoff of "Wolfcl0ck's Fun Box," is now up and available for download on Gamejolt.

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Holy Batnipples, Batman! A new mod update and game!?

Alright, so you folks need some context. A few weeks ago, I went with my cousin to a game developing camp for about a week. At said camp, we had the chance to use Unity and make a game in about the time one has in a work week. I, being the clever genius I am, came up with a spinoff to Fun Box titled "Night of the Evil Gas Men." In this spinoff, you play as a man named "Brendan Brandon," who has found himself lost in Evil Gas Man Territory, and must escape.

Screenshot 9

As I had stated, this game is a canonical spinoff to Wolfcl0ck's Fun Box, meaning that it takes place in the same universe, although Brendan Brandon will likely never meet Gorbo and co. Anyway, let's cut to the chase, if you want to try it out yourself, here's a link to do just that. If you want to just watch it, here's a video of an entire playthrough with no commentary or nothin:

Now on with mod updates

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I believe you all are overdue for a new demo. That's a shame. Because I haven't come prepared with one. However, I will give an update on how the mod's going. Every level from 2015 era save for Funbox_6 has been redone/updated, and the game itself can be played from start to the end of chapter 5 (Metro HQ.) Metro HQ itself will be done within the next 12 hours unless I do that thing I do where I don't do anything for an incredibly long amount of time for no apparent reason. Anyway, time for some more info on how things are going:

Chapter 1: Enter the Fun Box

Level design: Complete

Voice Assets: Complete

Story: Complete

Code: Complete

Music: Complete

Models: Complete

Chapter 2: The Escape

Level design: Almost Complete, just need to remake one level.

Voice Assets: Complete

Story: Complete

Code: Complete

Music: Complete

Models: Complete

Chapter 3: King Combinacle and the First Combinacle Ball

Level design: Nearly complete, really just need to make a change to one part of one level.

Voice Assets: Complete

Story: Complete

Code: Complete

Music: Complete

Models: Complete

Chapter 4: FreeTV-Ville

Level design: Complete, but could use some aesthetic polishing

Voice Assets: Nearly Complete, may add some additional dialogue

Story: Complete

Code: Complete

Music: Complete

Models: Need to make a new skin for one model, but basically complete.

Chapter 5: Metro HQ

Level design: on the finale

Voice Assets: Complete

Story: Complete

Code: Complete

Music: Not only complete, but features the first custom music in the entire mod!

Models: Complete, as I am pleased to say.

Chapter 6: The Peculiar Desert

Level design: Nearly complete

Voice assets: NOT nearly complete, still need at least one new voice actor

Story: Complete

Code: Partially complete. I need to make 2-3 new npcs, but I already have one.

Music: Shitty. I made a mediocre track that will not go used in the game. If I do decide to use custom music, it'll be reworked. I may just use the placeholder stuff I have now.

Models: Complete, although one will have different animations and two will have additional skins.

Chapter 7: Guerilla Forestland (name not final)

Level design: None

Voice Assets: None

Story: Partially complete. Overall idea down and chapter finale conceptualized.

Code: Almost complete. Just need to make one more psuedo-npc (npc that's basically a variant of another npc)

Music: None. Probably won't make custom music for this chapter, so basically complete, I guess.

Models: Almost complete. I have 4 world models and a model for an npc that will be seen in it, but it wouldn't hurt to make more greenery.

Chapter 8: The Game has Changed (name not final)

Level design: None

Voice Assets: None

Story: Barely. Some key points conceptualized, but no inbetweens yet.

Code: barely complete. A single npc that will be appearing has been partially created.

Music: None, which is a shame, because I may have a musical segment in this chapter.

Models: None. At least 1 is planned.

Chapter 9: The Revolution (name not final)

Level design: None-ish. A test map exists.

Voice Assets: None

Story: Next to nothing. Only some concepts exist at this stage.

Code: None?

Music: None

Models: Mostly complete. Only 1 or 2 are necessary at this point.

Chapter 10: Castle Combinacle

Level design: None

Voice Assets: None

Story: Complete

Code: None

Music: None

Models: None

So, as it is clear to see, there is still a lot of work to be done before this mod can be released, and I hope that I will be able to get it done before 2019. If you would like to help me out in any way, my profile, as well as the first blog post for Fun Box, contains links and usernames to my active profiles and communities. Shoot me a dm if you're interested in helping in any way possible.

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Until next time!

Post comment Comments
drvgbugz - - 277 comments

hell yea!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
XIVTrahsion - - 187 comments

Night of the evil DANK men.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
DevinShadowV - - 532 comments

on GoldSrc?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
DevinShadowV - - 532 comments

nevermind I just saw it's in Unity

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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