Post news RSS New Phong shaders and community 'Focus' feature

Shiny Phong shaders in full effect on a Consortium Exo trooper We've just updated our website ( ) with in-game screenshots showing some new shaders we have recently applied to our player models. Support for Phong shading technology was recently added to the Source engine (it's used on the

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Shiny Phong shaders in full effect on a Consortium Exo trooper

We've just updated our website ( ) with in-game screenshots showing some new shaders we have recently applied to our player models. Support for Phong shading technology was recently added to the Source engine (it's used on the player helmets in DoD:S) and we immediately saw it could work wonders with our armoured player models. Below you can see the Consortium Exo with the Phong shaders creating a smooth and shiny effect on the rounded armour surfaces (more pics on our website). We will be releasing a video of these shaders to really show off the effect to our forum members on the ND website in due course.

User Posted Image
The first installment of our new 'Focus' feature takes you through
the development timeline of the Avenger

In addition to this, we have also begun a new regular feature on our (newly revamped) forums which showcases a particular asset and allows our fans to follow its progression from the concept/design phase to its completion. We begin this feature with the conceptualisation of the LCM-7 Avenger assault rifle by se7en, and will end it some days later with some videos of the in-game animations. It should be an interesting read for any modders reading this, and will be joined by other Focus articles ranging from mapping to code.

Full news update: click here!
Focus feature: click here!

Arxae - - 717 comments

how much ways the phong shading in terms of heavienes for the hardware?

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AJ_Quick - - 1,321 comments

It will light your viddy card on fire, and then start a timed chain reaction through the motherboard, detonating all of your peripherals and blowing out the glass on your monitor. Air raid sirens will follow.

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Arxae - - 717 comments

well i hope not, that would blow (hehe, word humour xd)

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Sp4rta - - 74 comments

its in DOD:S if you can run that you should be fine.

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Arxae - - 717 comments

well i dont have it so i cant try :)
how much does it add to the requirements?(rough guess)
and can you turn it off?

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Varsity - - 1,044 comments

It doesn't make an appreciable difference on my system.

I don't know what it is about the soldier pic, but something seems very off. Perhaps the oversized helmet?

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MomoJak00 - - 63 comments

<sarcasm>That focus feature looks like a placeholder</sarcasm>

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TheOtherChris - - 36 comments

Am I the only one who thinks this mod was way cooler back when it had a F2000 instead of the odd, forced sci-fi looking rifles?

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AJ_Quick - - 1,321 comments

Am I the only one who thinks it looks pretty sweet?

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Tyde - - 36 comments

I think everyone is pretty skeptical over Nuclear Dawn's work; ever since that big riff raff about the screenshots being photoshoped. Maybe it's not the case here.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up.

Anyway, the soldier looks pretty cool.

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(ska)Diesel - - 76 comments

Looks awsome. The solider looks suitably solid, but not over-encumbered (elder scrolls thing). The rifle concept is really nice, and it does look like a usable weapon rather than cheap sci-fi gadget crap.

Good luck with the mod :)

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methy - - 1,221 comments

Yeah, looking kick-arse. Nice phong shader.

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Crispy Author
Crispy - - 602 comments

The pic of the soldier perhaps looks odd because he's staring down slightly.

Remember guys, the concept image shown was the second version of the concept, it went through many alterations before being handed over to the modeller and even then minor changes were made. I only used that image because it appears in the first installment of the Focus feature. Those of you who have a beady eye will have seen from our media pages that the gun is already modelled and in-game, but the focus feature is done over several days.

Another thing is that se7en (the concept artist) said that his images tend to give weapons a more futurustic style, but once they have been modelled and textured they take on a more appropriate post-apocalyptic style.

I hope you'll be pleased to know the F2000 is still in the game.

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TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

phong shader is nothing new the code is open source and several mods have it implemented...
its as un news worthy these days as parralax mapping, not to say this new post sucks
nice model and concept
keep up the good work

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Snarboo - - 214 comments

I believe Phong shading was used in the original Kingpin by Xatrix. Isn't the Phong shader used to make something appear round when it is not?

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GusTheLegend - - 14 comments

Hype it up ladies.

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feanix - - 26 comments

The quality of work in this mod is outstanding. It's a pity about the photoshopping debacle a while ago, but I'm sure the guys behind ND have put that behind themselves. I do worry about this "forum members only" video release. Why forum members only? Shouldn't you be doing your best to market your mod to the wider public? I mean, your forum members probably don't need much more convincing.

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a_llama - - 433 comments

heheh, I can see your phong...

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Leedeth - - 476 comments

That is an awesome concept. I really like the Focus feature.

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Nate@LGP - - 49 comments

Pull up your pants. I mean a phong on a chick is cool, but just not for guys.

Looks good, keep it up, I need more mods to play.

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