Post news RSS Motion Blur and Even Better Textures!!!

I've figured out how to add motion blur to the Quake engine and now it just needs a little fine tuning. I'll have to post a tutorial once I get the kinks worked out. I've also bumped up the max texture size to 4048x4048 and found a way to shrink them down so that they look normal until you get up close

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I've figured out how to add motion blur to the Quake engine and now it just needs a little fine tuning. I'll have to post a tutorial once I get the kinks worked out.

I've also bumped up the max texture size to 4048x4048 and found a way to shrink them down so that they look normal until you get up close and see all the fine detail. You can even use "NoClip" and walk up closer to a wall than normal until you pass through it and there is no blurring or pixellated graphics when zoomed - only more fine detail.

capjedi - - 1 comments

How did you do it?

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