Post news Report RSS Merry Christmas! FreedroidRPG 0.16 Released

Long-anticipated release brings loads of new content

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The FreedroidRPG team is proud to announce the release of the 0.16 version of this famous open source RPG game !

This version has been in the making for 4 years and contains many changes and improvements, representing the work of many contributors.

Source tarball, Windows and MacOSX installers are available on

Note that our Git repository is now on GitLab

Here is a quick list of some major changes from 0.15.1 you're likely to notice:

- Translations are back! The game can now be read in a selection of languages, and the following languages are bundled with the game by default: Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, German, French, and Swedish. More languages are being worked on by volunteers, and translators (and proofreaders!) are always welcome to join us on

- The various interfaces of the game have been re-factored and are now widget-based, allowing them to be displayed better in larger resolutions.

- Higher-level bots will now see through the Invisibility program.

- The arena in town has been redesigned entirely. Bots are now fought in waves and in several difficulty levels.

- The game ends a little less abruptly, and the player has the opportunity to enjoy compliments (and other words) from several characters.

- Background images have been added and remastered, including widescreen versions.

- A new, rhythmical music track has been added, and can be encountered near the Hell Fortress.

- For the modders among you, the game's dialog engine has been restructured, and now uses pure Lua and employs bindings for NPCs and the player. Many new Lua functions have been added and can be called via dialogs and events. The remainder of the game's data is now also specified in Lua, for many of the same advantages.

- An effect timer can be shown in the Heads-Up Display by enabling it in the game's settings. No more waiting blindly for Emergency Shutdown to wear off!

- A new terminal model has been announced, advertised to be more hardened and robust than the classic model. Many of those with security in mind have already switched to using this new model, and if you have the right clearance, you can already see secure terminals in various sensitive locations, silently guarding their secrets.

- Water runs. From who? To where? Only the water knows.

- Countless annoying bugs were squished and shiny tweaks were squeaked.

Note that this version breaks compatibility with older savegames.
Specifically, new or modified map elements will not be available when playing with savegames from 0.15.1, and this may cause a crash when the game goes looking for them. To make the most of the current state of the game, please start a new character.

We want to take this opportunity and call out to testers and translators - we need your help to make the game as polished as possible! Bugs need to be found, and translations need to be proofread by as many eyes as possible.

Check out translations on Transifex

Show us a bug you found in the wild

Try to write a bug yourself

Or just come and talk to us

To make this the best release possible, any help and feedback is appreciated!

Come to visit our website

-The FreedroidRPG Team

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