So I've decided to compile a list of possible melee weapons for CoD:1914. These will be a secondary priority, as maps, firearms and soldier skins will be priority.
- Trench Club- Central Powers/Entente
- Trench Mace- Entente
- Jambiya- Central Powers
- Le Vengeur- Entente
- Boker M1915 Grabenmesser- Central Powers
- Shashka- Entente
- Szablia- Central Powers
- Shovel- Entente/Central Powers
Well that's all for now. Let me know what you think about them below. Cheers, Deathblade.
Well, the trench club and trench mace can be used on the both sides of the conflict. Trench club can be also imported from Necrovision. It's a very good model with the spikes.
Grabenmesser can be useful in the Serbian army as a bayonet captured on Austro-Hungary and some of them can be get to the Germany, but mainly on the Eastern Front.
''Szablia'' is a bad name. The ''sabre'' is much better. There was used mainly by cavalry and officers, but they had a different model. That Shashka is Uralic model used by Cossacks. Very good stuff. Used only in Russia.
In the Ottoman Empire we can use regular German bayonet. That Jambiya seems like it was made in India, if I'm not wrong. La Vengeur is typical French job.
Hint: we can modify the Cuchillo (knife model) from SCW.
No shovel? Really?
I think it should be generic knife/bayo/shovel for both sides, nothing more.
Trench maces=extra
Sabres are being use by the Polish Legions. Jambiya used by the Ottoman Empire.
I wonder if someone could make those melee weapons can be permanent through a whole certain mission without pick one of them. Just like the B2F sprint.